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Fire and Police Services and Supplies Government Bids tracks the Fire and Police Services and Supplies government bids from over 17,000 government agencies

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Showing 1–50 of 539 bids that are currently: Active.

Denotes bidding opportunities that have been amended

Alabama - US Due Date
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Feb. 25, 2025
Explosives and Explosive Supplies
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Feb. 24, 2025
American Locks and Cores
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Feb. 18, 2025
Numbered padlock seals
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Feb. 18, 2025
Locks Parts\/Accessories
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Feb. 18, 2025
Planroom: Perry County Workforce Development Uniontown, AL - FACILITY FIRE SUPPRESSION WATER-SERVICE PIPING
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Feb. 19, 2025
Keeler Fire Alarm Project
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Mar. 12, 2025
Safety Toe and Protective Footwear
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Mar. 11, 2025
Custom Daniel Defense SBR Rifles
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Mar. 10, 2025
Arizona - US Due Date
Tactical Ballistic Vests
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Feb. 24, 2025
Corporate: Glendale Innovative Commerce Center - Fire Extinguishers & Cabinets
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Feb. 20, 2025
Ammunition and Less Lethal Munitions
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Feb. 25, 2025
Technical Rescue Equipment
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Feb. 24, 2025
California - US Due Date
Corporate: EBMUD Lafayette and Walnut Creek WTP Chemical System Safety Improvements - fire protection
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Feb. 26, 2025
Corporate: EBMUD Lafayette and Walnut Creek WTP Chemical System Safety Improvements - fire suppression
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Feb. 26, 2025
Corporate: Santa Barbara CC PE Facility - fire suppression
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Mar. 12, 2025
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Feb. 26, 2025
Corporate: Slauson Avenue Street Improvements - Traffic Control
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Feb. 26, 2025
Corporate: Cold plane AC pavement, place HMA and concrete pavement - SAFETY EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Feb. 27, 2025
Corporate: Hwy 680 Trash Capture Housing, MVPs & Erosion Control - Traffic control
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Feb. 26, 2025
Corporate: Colfax WTP Replacement - fire protection
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Feb. 27, 2025
Corporate: NEW BUS MAINTENANCE FACILITY - Fire suppression
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Feb. 27, 2025
Ballistic Vests
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Mar. 07, 2025
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Feb. 26, 2025
Corporate: Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant - fire extinguishers
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Feb. 26, 2025
Corporate: 07-369704 Construct soldier pile walls, slope protection, and drainage systems - Health & Safety Plan
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Feb. 19, 2025
Corporate: March Lane Self Storage - Fire Protection
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Feb. 21, 2025
Crime Lab and DA Server Rooms Fire Suppression Upgrades
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Feb. 20, 2025
Fire Alarm System Replacement
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Feb. 18, 2025
Corporate: Construction on State Highway in Ventura County in Somis from Sand Canyon Road - Safety Equipment Supplier
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Feb. 19, 2025
Corporate: Construction on State Highway in Contra Costa County - Traffic Control
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Feb. 26, 2025
Corporate: 07-346304 RTE 101 - TRAFFIC CONTROL
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Mar. 06, 2025
Corporate: Lafayette and Walnut Creek Water Treatment Plants Chemical Systems Safety Improvements - Fire Protection Specialties
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Feb. 26, 2025
Corporate: Lafayette and Walnut Creek Water Treatment Plants Chemical Systems Safety Improvements - Fire Suppression
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Feb. 26, 2025
Corporate: Slauson Avenue Street Improvement - Traffic Control
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Feb. 26, 2025
Corporate: Riggin Avenue Widening & Improvements - Traffic Control
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Feb. 20, 2025
Corporate: Cachuma Waterline - Traffic Control
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Feb. 20, 2025
Corporate: Lafayette and Walnut Creek Water Treatment Plants Chemical Systems Safety Improvements - Fire Protection
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Feb. 26, 2025
Corporate: Lafayette and Walnut Creek Water Treatment Plants Chemical Systems Safety Improvements - Safety Equipment
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Feb. 26, 2025
Corporate: Lafayette and Walnut Creek Water Treatment Plants Chemical Systems Safety Improvements - Fire Detection and Alarm
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Feb. 26, 2025
Pistol Mounted Optic
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Feb. 18, 2025
Corporate: Lafayette and Walnut Creek Water Treatment Plants Chemical System Safety Improvements - Fire Protection
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Feb. 26, 2025
Corporate: Pasadena Hale Building Phase II - Fire Protection
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Mar. 01, 2025
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Feb. 18, 2025
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Feb. 18, 2025
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Feb. 18, 2025
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Feb. 18, 2025
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Feb. 18, 2025
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Feb. 18, 2025
Uniforms & Duty Gear
Category - Safety, Fire and Police (Service and Supplies)
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Feb. 19, 2025

Showing 1–50 of 539 bids that are currently: Active.