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Signalization, Traffic Device, and Sign Government Bids tracks the Signalization government bids from over 17,000 government agencies. We also cover jails, water and airport authorities, universities and schools.

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Showing 1–50 of 917 bids that are currently: Active.

Denotes bidding opportunities that have been amended

Alabama - US Due Date
Traffic Signal Cable
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 02, 2025
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 07, 2025
Arizona - US Due Date
T011901C Construct Flushing Yellow Arrows
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 17, 2025
Barricades and Warning Devices
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 08, 2025
California - US Due Date
Corporate: San Onofre to Pulgas Double Track Phase 2 - CONSTRUCTION AREA SIGNS
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: San Onofre to Pulgas Double Track Phase 2 - TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: San Onofre to Pulgas Double Track Phase 2 - TRAFFIC FLAGGERS
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: San Onofre to Pulgas Double Track Phase 2 - SIGN STRUCTURE
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: San Onofre to Pulgas Double Track Phase 2 - ROADSIDE SIGN
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: San Onofre to Pulgas Double Track Phase 2 - SIGNAL & LIGHTING
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: San Onofre to Pulgas Double Track Phase 2 - SIGNAL
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: San Onofre to Pulgas Double Track Phase 2 - MESSAGE SIGNS, LIGHTING & SIGN ILLUMINATION
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: San Onofre to Pulgas Double Track Phase 2 - TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT\/ OPERATIONS
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: 04-2Q5504 RHMA Overlay, Replace Culverts, Bridge Rails, And Median Barriers \u2013 Construction Area Signs
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: 04-2Q5504 RHMA Overlay, Replace Culverts, Bridge Rails, And Median Barriers \u2013 Traffic Control System & Related Items
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: 04-2Q5504 RHMA Overlay, Replace Culverts, Bridge Rails, And Median Barriers \u2013 Delineators
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: 04-2Q5504 RHMA Overlay, Replace Culverts, Bridge Rails, And Median Barriers \u2013 Channelizers & Markers
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: 04-2Q5504 RHMA Overlay, Replace Culverts, Bridge Rails, And Median Barriers \u2013 Roadside Signs
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: 04-1Q7004 Replace Bridge Railing and Guardrail, & Reconstruct Sidewalk \u2013 Channelizer (Surface Mounted)
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 07, 2025
Corporate: 04-1Q7004 Replace Bridge Railing and Guardrail, & Reconstruct Sidewalk \u2013 Portable Delineator
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 07, 2025
Corporate: 04-1Q7004 Replace Bridge Railing and Guardrail, & Reconstruct Sidewalk \u2013 Temporary Crash Cushion Tl-2
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 07, 2025
Corporate: 12-0K8704 Modify Ramps, Lighting and Ramp Metering Systems \u2013 Construction Area Signs Ls Lump Sum
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: 12-0K8704 Modify Ramps, Lighting and Ramp Metering Systems \u2013 Traffic Control System Ls Lump Sum
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: 12-0K8704 Modify Ramps, Lighting and Ramp Metering Systems \u2013 Flashing Arrow Sign Ea 5
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: 12-0K8704 Modify Ramps, Lighting and Ramp Metering Systems \u2013 Channelizer (Surface Mounted) Ea 230
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: 12-0K8704 Modify Ramps, Lighting and Ramp Metering Systems \u2013 Portable Delineator Ea 160
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: 12-0K8704 Modify Ramps, Lighting and Ramp Metering Systems \u2013 Temporary Pavement Marker Ea 720
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: 12-0K8704 Modify Ramps, Lighting and Ramp Metering Systems \u2013 Portable Changeable Message Sign (Ea) Ea 12
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: 12-0K8704 Modify Ramps, Lighting and Ramp Metering Systems \u2013 Temporary Traffic Screen Lf 3,920
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: 12-0K8704 Modify Ramps, Lighting and Ramp Metering Systems \u2013 Recycled Water Identification And Warning Signs Ls Lump Sum
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: 12-0K8704 Modify Ramps, Lighting and Ramp Metering Systems \u2013 Install Sign Structure (Versatile Truss) Lb 53,900
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: 12-0K8704 Modify Ramps, Lighting and Ramp Metering Systems \u2013 Remove Sign Structure (Ea) Ea 2
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: 12-0K8704 Modify Ramps, Lighting and Ramp Metering Systems \u2013 Delineator (Class 1) Ea 81
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: 12-0K8704 Modify Ramps, Lighting and Ramp Metering Systems \u2013 Treatment Best Management Practice Marker Ea 7
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: 12-0K8704 Modify Ramps, Lighting and Ramp Metering Systems \u2013 Remove Roadside Sign Ea 60
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: 12-0K8704 Modify Ramps, Lighting and Ramp Metering Systems \u2013 Remove Roadside Sign (Strap And Saddle Bracket Method) Ea 13
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: 12-0K8704 Modify Ramps, Lighting and Ramp Metering Systems \u2013 Remove Sign From Sign Frame Ea 2
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: 12-0K8704 Modify Ramps, Lighting and Ramp Metering Systems \u2013 Relocate Roadside Sign Ea 2
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: 12-0K8704 Modify Ramps, Lighting and Ramp Metering Systems \u2013 Furnish Laminated Panel Sign (1\"-Type A) Sqft 720
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: 12-0K8704 Modify Ramps, Lighting and Ramp Metering Systems \u2013 Furnish Single Sheet Aluminum Sign (0.063\"-Unframed) Sqft 520
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: 12-0K8704 Modify Ramps, Lighting and Ramp Metering Systems \u2013 Furnish Single Sheet Aluminum Sign (0.080\"-Unframed) Sqft 310
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: 12-0K8704 Modify Ramps, Lighting and Ramp Metering Systems \u2013 Furnish Single Sheet Aluminum Sign (0.063\"-Framed) Sqft 310
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: 12-0K8704 Modify Ramps, Lighting and Ramp Metering Systems \u2013 Furnish Single Sheet Aluminum Sign (0.080\"-Framed) Sqft 290
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: 12-0K8704 Modify Ramps, Lighting and Ramp Metering Systems \u2013 Roadside Sign - One Post Ea 55
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: 12-0K8704 Modify Ramps, Lighting and Ramp Metering Systems \u2013 Roadside Sign - Two Post Ea 9
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: 12-0K8704 Modify Ramps, Lighting and Ramp Metering Systems \u2013 Install Sign (Strap And Saddle Bracket Method) Ea 20
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: 12-0K8704 Modify Ramps, Lighting and Ramp Metering Systems \u2013 Install Sign Panel On Existing Frame Sqft 660
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: 12-0K8704 Modify Ramps, Lighting and Ramp Metering Systems \u2013 Install Roadside Sign (Laminated Wood Box Post) Ea 1
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: 12-0K8704 Modify Ramps, Lighting and Ramp Metering Systems \u2013 Alternative Crash Cushion Tl-3 Ea 4
Category - Signalization, Traffic Devices, and Signs
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Jan. 09, 2025

Showing 1–50 of 917 bids that are currently: Active.