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Oregon Government Bids & RFP's tracks the Oregon government bids from its 36 counties and 222 cities. We also cover jails, water and airport authorities, universities and schools.

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Showing 1–50 of 393 bids that are currently: Active.

Denotes bidding opportunities that have been amended

Oregon - US Due Date
Veterinary Medical Services
54 - Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Nov. 01, 2025
Region 6 Botany Survey BPA
11 - Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Dec. 27, 2024
Rogue River-Siskiyou NF-Communications Shelter Manufacture, Delivery, and Installation
11 - Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Dec. 27, 2024
Region 6 Botany Survey BPA
11 - Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 10, 2025
Law Enforcement Center Property & Evidence Walk-in Freezer Replacement
42 - Wholesale Trade
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Dec. 26, 2024
HVAC Building Automations System Upgrade
23 - Construction
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 08, 2025
Scattered Sites Water Heater Project
23 - Construction
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 14, 2025
Education Center HVAC Upgrades
23 - Construction
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Dec. 31, 2024
Unmanned Aircraft Systems Strategic Plan
48 - Transportation and Warehousing
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 07, 2025
General Planning Services
54 - Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Dec. 30, 2028
Building Inspection Services
54 - Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 15, 2029
54 - Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Aug. 31, 2030
On Call Program - Professional Services
54 - Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Sep. 30, 2028
Christian Science\/Bisnett Building Redevelopment
54 - Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 08, 2025
Gate Tower Replacement Engineering Design, Build Services
54 - Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 15, 2025
Coquille Indian Tribe, Kilkich Area Master Plan
54 - Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Mar. 15, 2025
Transportation System Plan Update
54 - Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 08, 2025
Airport Economic and Fiscal Analsis
54 - Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 15, 2025
City of St. Helens TSP Update
54 - Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Mar. 15, 2025
A&E Design Services & Construction Services Security Access Control System Upgrade
54 - Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 10, 2025
Utility Rate Study
54 - Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Dec. 31, 2024
Trainsong Park Soil Remediation Design and Construction Administration
54 - Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 14, 2025
Bypass Structure Inspection and Repair
54 - Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 14, 2025
Corporate: Terwilliger-Northgate Lift Station - Survey
54 - Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 14, 2025
Corporate: Elk Rock PS Improvements - Survey
54 - Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 16, 2025
Final Design of the Elevated Sewer Line Replacement
54 - Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 21, 2025
OnCall Sump Testing
54 - Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 06, 2025
Right-of-Way Consultant Services - 181st Safety Improvements - Between Burnside & Stark
54 - Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 08, 2025
Water Reuse Feasibility Study
54 - Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 15, 2025
Watershed Improvement Plan
54 - Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 28, 2025
Coquille Indian Tribe, Kilkich Area Master Plan
54 - Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 24, 2025
Corporate: Intertie 2 Diversion Facility - Pump Station Expansion - Quality Control Testing
54 - Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 09, 2025
Corporate: Intertie 2 Diversion Facility - Pump Station Expansion - Survey
54 - Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 09, 2025
Architect\/Engineer Design Serivce for DES Operations Satellite Facility
54 - Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 06, 2025
Columbia Gorge Regional Airport Engineering\/Consultant Services
54 - Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 21, 2025
Skybridge Test Rail Anchors
54 - Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 03, 2025
Public Art - Boones Ferry Park - The Essence of the River
54 - Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Feb. 12, 2025
Design, Wall Murals, Vehicle Wraps, and Installation Services
81 - Other Services (except Public Administration)
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Dec. 23, 2024
42 - Wholesale Trade
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 08, 2025
42 - Wholesale Trade
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 10, 2025
42 - Wholesale Trade
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 09, 2025
GRD Cargo Van Upfit
81 - Other Services (except Public Administration)
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 17, 2025
On Call Contractors for campus wide work
23 - Construction
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Dec. 31, 2024
West Coast Hopper Maintenance Dredging 2024
23 - Construction
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Dec. 30, 2024
692-24-103 Improve Campus Parking Lots and Roadways
23 - Construction
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
May. 10, 2025
23 - Construction
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Aug. 31, 2030
Building Envelopes
23 - Construction
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 10, 2025
Home Remediation\/Modification Services
23 - Construction
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jun. 30, 2025
Nursing-Allied Health Professions Center
23 - Construction
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 07, 2025
Las Casitas Park Renovation
23 - Construction
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 07, 2025

Showing 1–50 of 393 bids that are currently: Active.