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Bids in the Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment category are best suited for government vendors who manufacture, produce or sell Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment related goods and services and similar products.

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Showing 1–50 of 428 bids that are currently: Active.

Denotes bidding opportunities that have been amended

International - PK Due Date
PR12167785 - Field Support Services for Facilities Maintenance
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
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Dec. 29, 2024
19SG2024Q0031 Janitorial services for U.S Embassy Dakar
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
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Oct. 21, 2024
XKS: PMSC Exterior Building Cleaning
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
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Sep. 22, 2024
Custodial Services at Kunsan AB
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Oct. 11, 2024
Pre-solicitation Notice - Janitorial Services
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Oct. 25, 2024
Alabama - US Due Date
Janitorial Supplies
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
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Sep. 20, 2024
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Oct. 02, 2024
Window Cleaning Interior and Exterior
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Sep. 25, 2024
Pressure Washing - Randolph Co
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
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Sep. 28, 2024
Pressure Washing - Shelby Co
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Sep. 28, 2024
Parking Deck Sweeper
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
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Sep. 27, 2024
Amendment 00002 - Pressure Washing Services - Maxwell AFB AL
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
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Sep. 23, 2024
Alaska - US Due Date
Janitorial Services
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Sep. 24, 2024
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Sep. 20, 2024
Janitorial Service
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
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Sep. 20, 2024
Arizona - US Due Date
Custodial Services
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
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Sep. 26, 2024
Trailhead Janitorial Services
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
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Oct. 01, 2024
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Sep. 20, 2024
Cleaning of Diablo Stadium
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
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Oct. 15, 2024
Community Centers Custodial Services
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
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Oct. 10, 2024
355TH CES Building 2300 Complete Duct Cleaning Service
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
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Sep. 20, 2024
355TH CES Building 2300 Complete Duct Cleaning Service
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Sep. 20, 2024
Corporate: OMP NextWave Tempe - Final Clean
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
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Oct. 01, 2024
355TH CES Building 2300 Complete Duct Cleaning Service
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
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Sep. 20, 2024
Arkansas - US Due Date
Office and Janitorial Supplies
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
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Oct. 15, 2024
Road Sweepers
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
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Oct. 08, 2024
California - US Due Date
Basketball Equipment and Install
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
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Sep. 20, 2024
Corporate: 01-0K4104 Concrete Barrier, Wildlife Fence, Clearing and Grubbing \u2013 Street Sweeping
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Sep. 24, 2024
Custodial Services for City Buildings
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
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Sep. 20, 2024
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
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Sep. 24, 2024
Corporate: 01-0K4104 Concrete Barrier, Wildlife Fence, Clearing and Grubbing \u2013 Street sweeping
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Sep. 24, 2024
Corporate: G.W. Smith Education Center Site Redevelopment - Final Clean
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
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Sep. 26, 2024
Corporate: 04-2Q8004 Bridge Widening, HMA, Curb Ramp, Concrete Barrier, Modify Electrical System \u2013 Street Sweeping
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
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Oct. 10, 2024
Corporate: RP-1 Solids Thickening Project - street sweeping
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
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Sep. 26, 2024
Janitorial Services
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
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Sep. 20, 2024
Corporate: 04-2Q8004 Bridge Widening, HMA, Curb Ramp, Concrete Barrier, Modify Electrical System \u2013 Street Sweeping
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Oct. 10, 2024
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Sep. 26, 2024
Corporate: Santa Barbara Police Station - Final cleaning
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
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Sep. 20, 2024
Custodial Services
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
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Oct. 02, 2024
Corporate: Route 60-91 Separation - Street Sweeping
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
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Sep. 26, 2024
Corporate: 01-0H6004 HMA, RHMA, Cold Plane, Guardrail, and Delineation \u2013 Street Sweeping
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
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Oct. 09, 2024
Paved Surface Sweeping Services
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
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Sep. 24, 2024
Window Cleaning and Power Washing Services
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
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Sep. 26, 2024
Corporate: Rt 215 Riverside ISR - Street Sweeping
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
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Sep. 26, 2024
Corporate: 06-487404 Replace Bridge Structures and Construct Roundabouts \u2013 Street Sweeping
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
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Oct. 17, 2024
Window Cleaning Services
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
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Sep. 20, 2024
Corporate: Concrete Barrier, Wildlife Fence, Clear & Grub - STREET SWEEPING
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
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Sep. 24, 2024
Corporate: Valencia Marketplace Pipeline Replacement Project - Sweeping
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
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Oct. 03, 2024
Corporate: North Park\/ Mid-City Bikeway: University Bikeway - Street Sweeping
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
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Oct. 03, 2024
Corporate: 04-2Q6104 Cold Plane, RHMA Overlay, Install MGS, Curb Ramp, and Rumble Strip \u2013 Street Sweeping
Category - Janitorial and Custodial Services and Equipment
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Oct. 16, 2024

Showing 1–50 of 428 bids that are currently: Active.