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Painting Supplies and Services Government Bids tracks the Painting Supplies and Services government bids from over 17,000 government agencies.

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Showing 1–50 of 718 bids that are currently: Active.

Denotes bidding opportunities that have been amended

International - MX Due Date
Residential Painting Services
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Feb. 04, 2025
Alabama - US Due Date
BR-0003(659) Bridge Painting
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Jan. 31, 2025
Planroom: Orange Beach Senior Center Orange Beach, AL - Exterior painting
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Jan. 30, 2025
Planroom: Orange Beach Veterans\u2019 Memorial Orange Beach, AL - PAINTING
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Jan. 30, 2025
Planroom: Walmart Neighborhood Market #4580-246 Vestavia Hills, AL - Painting
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 31, 2025
Planroom: Centre Gymnasium Centre, AL Renovation - Painting & Staining
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Feb. 06, 2025
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Feb. 25, 2025
Traffic Striping and Marking Materials
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Feb. 11, 2025
Arizona - US Due Date
Painting Services
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Feb. 07, 2025
Street Striping Project
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Feb. 13, 2025
Arkansas - US Due Date
Governor\u2019s Hall Paint Renovation
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Feb. 06, 2025
Corporate: Highland School District VO-AG Building - Painting
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Jan. 31, 2025
California - US Due Date
Corporate: Sidewalks along Olive Ave., Parsons Ave., Alexander Ave. and Hansen Avenue - THERMOPLASTIC TRAFFIC STRIPING & MARKING
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Feb. 27, 2027
Corporate: Local Advanced Water Purification System - painting & coatings
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Jan. 31, 2025
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Feb. 03, 2025
Corporate: Local Advanced Water Purification System (Local AWPS) - Painting\/Coatings
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Jan. 31, 2025
Corporate: Local Advanced Water Purification System (Local AWPS) - Paint\/Stain Concrete
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 31, 2025
Corporate: Local Advanced Water Purification System (Local AWPS) - Painting Structures
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 31, 2025
Corporate: Local Advanced Water Purification System (Local AWPS) - Pavement Markers
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Jan. 31, 2025
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Feb. 11, 2025
Corporate: Derrick & Oller Roundabout - Tack Coat
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Jan. 31, 2025
Corporate: Derrick & Oller Roundabout - Pavement Markings
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Jan. 31, 2025
Corporate: Derrick & Oller Roundabout - Striping
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Jan. 31, 2025
Corporate: 10-1H7004 Construct Curbs Ramps, Sidewalks, Driveways, and Accessible ADA \u2013 Temporary Traffic Stripe (Paint) Lf 32,600
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Feb. 11, 2025
Corporate: M-12A Well Site Equipping and Improvements - High Performance Painting & Coating
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 30, 2025
Corporate: Painting OR241 Chandler (Coos River) Bridge \u2013 Bridge Identification Markers
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Jan. 30, 2025
Corporate: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School Wellness Center, Parent Center & T-Kindergarten \u2013 Painting
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Jan. 30, 2025
Corporate: 10-1H7004 Construct Curbs Ramps, Sidewalks, Driveways, and Accessible ADA \u2013 Remove Yellow Thermoplastic Traffic Stripe (Hazardous Waste) Lf 12,000
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Feb. 11, 2025
Corporate: 20-064 Elliott Road Mains Replacement - Seal coat
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Feb. 05, 2025
Corporate: 20-064 Elliott Road Mains Replacement - Striping
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Feb. 05, 2025
Corporate: Downtown Better Bikeways Hardscape Conversion - Striping
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Jan. 30, 2025
Corporate: Replace Overhead Signs & Sign Structures, Construct MVPs & Landscaping - Striping and Removals
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Feb. 13, 2025
Corporate: Replace Overhead Signs & Sign Structures, Construct MVPs & Landscaping - Pavement Markings and Removals
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Feb. 13, 2025
Corporate: M-12A Well Site Equipping And Improvements - Painting
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jan. 30, 2025
Corporate: Downtown Better Bikeways Hardscape Conversion - Signage & striping
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Jan. 30, 2025
Corporate: Arroyo Canal Fish Screen\/Sack Dam Fish Passage Project - Painting
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Feb. 03, 2025
Corporate: Replace overhead signs & sign structures, construct MVPs & landscaping - REMOVE PAVEMENT MARKER
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Feb. 13, 2025
Corporate: Replace overhead signs & sign structures, construct MVPs & landscaping - PAVEMENT MARKING & STRIPING
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Feb. 13, 2025
Corporate: Replace overhead signs & sign structures, construct MVPs & landscaping - REMOVE THERMOPLASTIC TRAFFIC STRIPE & PAVEMENT MARKING
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Feb. 13, 2025
Corporate: Permanent Modular Classrooms @ Marshall Elementary School - Pavement Marking
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Jan. 30, 2025
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Feb. 10, 2025
Corporate: Better Bikeway San Jose San Fernando Corridor - Striping Removal
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Feb. 06, 2025
Corporate: Better Bikeway San Jose San Fernando Corridor - Thermoplastic Striping
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Feb. 06, 2025
Corporate: 04-1K7604 Construct Pipe Culvert Wingwall and Drainage Inlet \u2013 6\" Thermoplastic Traffic Stripe (Enhanced Wet Night Visibility)
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Feb. 11, 2025
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Feb. 11, 2025
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Feb. 11, 2025
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Feb. 11, 2025
Striping and Marking Maintenance Services
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Feb. 05, 2025
Corporate: Street Resurfacing on Federal-Aid Streets - PENETRATION TREATMENT & PRIME COAT
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Jan. 30, 2025
Corporate: Street Resurfacing on Federal-Aid Streets - SEAL COAT
Category - Paint (Supplies, Services)
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Jan. 30, 2025

Showing 1–50 of 718 bids that are currently: Active.