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we take the legwork out of government bidding

User Help for - Search

Searching for bids at can be as easy as clicking a link, or as complex and granular as needed by our users. We have a Basic Search on our home page, along with our preformatted Quick Links. However, if a user requires a more complex search with different filters we also have an Advanced Search.

Simple Searching

The Simple Search allows users to quickly search by a word or small group of words.

Browse by State and Category

On the home page, there are two sets of browsing links. By clicking the "by location" you will find links to each location, seperated by country and province/state. Clicking one of these links will give you the reults of all the bids for that particular state that we have in our database. By clicking the "by category " you will find links to all of our bid categories. Clicking one of these links will give you the results of all the bids for that particular category.

Advanced Search

The Advanced Search can be reached by clicking the "advanced search" link below the keyword search. This search offers 5 more search filters than the Simple Search. These fields are:

  • Number of Days - This bid allows you to select how far back in time you wish to search our database. The higher the number of days you enter the greater number of bids you will see. All bids are active so you should not see any bids where the bid package due date has expired.
  • Bid Type - has 4 types of bids. Federal Bids and Upcoming FederalBids (or pre-bids) may be seen by all registered users. While all users may search for Local/Sate Bids and Upcoming Local/State Bids to see the bid titles, the bid details may only be seen by our paying customers. Selecting the checkboxes as checked or unchecked will filter the search by Bid Type.
  • State - You may search multiple states by holding down the control key while selecting the categories on your Windows Computer or holding down the Apple key on your MacIntosh Computer.
  • Setaside Code - You may search multiple Setaside Codes by holding down the control key while selecting the categories on your Windows Computer or holding down the Apple key on your MacIntosh Computer. These codes are for minority, women, veteran and disadvantaged business owners
  • NAICS Code - The North American Industry Classification System Codes. The code has the following hierarchical structure:

    XX Industry Sector (20 broad sectors)
    XXX Industry Subsector
    XXXX Industry Group
    XXXXX Industry
    XXXXXX U.S., Canadian, or Mexican National specific

    For more information on the NAICS Codes click here.

Beyond these fields, the Advanced Search also includes the following Basic Search fields:

  • Keyword - This field allows you to execute full-text searches with boolean modifiers. For more information on how this feature works in our database, click here.
  • Category - Our bid category classification system allows you to filter bids by specific market segments. You may search multiple categories by holding down the control key while selecting the categories on your Windows Computer or holding down the Apple key on your MacIntosh Computer.
  • Number of Days - This bid allows you to select how far back in time you wish to search our database. The higher the number of days you enter the greater number of bids you will see. All bids are active so you should not see any bids where the bid package due date has expired.
  • Bid Type - has 4 types of bids. Federal Bids and Upcoming FederalBids (or pre-bids) may be seen by all registered users. While all users may search for Local/Sate Bids and Upcoming Local/State Bids to see the bid titles, the bid details may only be seen by our paying customers. Selecting the checkboxes as checked or unchecked will filter the search by Bid Type.


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